Every Penny Counts

Posted by Tara MeShale on Friday, December 28, 2012 Under: Make money online
Happy holidays to everyone who reads this! It has been forever since I posted to this blog, but I felt compelled to add another post before the year ended. While I was completing the daily poll yesterday on Swagbucks someone left a comment about Swagbucks being a waste of time because one Swagbuck equals one penny. Well, I’ve always had the mentality that every penny counts, especially when you don’t have one. I never did go back to my job, but between mystery shopping and inspections, I’ve been able to pay my share of the rent and utilities. Praise God! Now I’m getting back into the swing of things as far as surveys are concerned since I’ll be moving to a new apartment in a few months. All of the rent and utilities will fall on my shoulders since I will no longer have a roommate. I’ll need every penny I can get. There was a time before mystery shopping when paid surveys put food in my belly. Granted, it wasn’t a lot of money and it was sometimes time-consuming, but I was a broke college student. I averaged between $50-$100 per month in surveys and only spent a few hours per week doing them.

So, for those who may not think that surveys are worth the effort, let’s do the math: One Sawgbuck = One penny. Everyday, the first time I open my web browser that has the Swagbucks toolbar installed I receive one buck. If I participate in the daily poll, I receive one buck. Swagbucks are awarded during random valid searches using the Swagbucks search engine, which can be accessed through the toolbar. Those searches can be worth anywhere between five and one hundred bucks. I usually average 5-10 bucks for a search. So, in a typical day I earn 15-20 bucks.  In a month’s time I can easily earn a $5 Amazon.com gift certificate. That may not seem like much, but considering I only put in a minimal amount of effort and none of the activity I do requires more than about three minutes of my time, I’d say that an extra $5 a month is pretty good. Over the course of a year I can make at least $60 or more in Amazon.com gift certificates for activity that took very little effort. There are a bunch of other ways to earn bucks, but I normally don’t have the time or desire to do any of them.

I’m a member of a bunch of different survey sites and at one point I worked almost all of them the best I could and made a few hundred dollars a year, which was a lot considering I was a student and didn’t have a job. Now, I use surveys and sites like Swagbucks to fill in the gaps whenever my “real” work is slow or I want to have a little money set aside for a rainy day. Every penny counts.

In : Make money online 

Tags: swagbucks  "online surveys"  "make money online" 
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About Me

LeTara Moore Since 2005 I have made thousands of dollars online. I've tried almost everything from paid surveys, paid to click, freelance writing, mystery shopping, merchandising and more. I am always looking for new ways to make money. Now I'm a mother and I have even more reason to go further in my online adventures. The focus of this site is not only to show some of the easier ways to make a little extra cash, but also to journal some of the ups and downs of side-hustling and attempting to work for myself. Most of what I post probably won't make you rich, but it will be something to help ease some of the financial strain and won't take too much time. I love to read and write and I also run a blog that showcases my creative writing. I really enjoy learning and I find the best way for me to learn is to share what I've gained with others. DISCLAIMER: Many of the links I post are affiliate links, meaning I may receive financial compensation as a result of click-thrus and signups. However, I only post links to websites and programs I trust and I provide honest feedback. I only post my honest experiences with any site I promote.

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